Sunday, March 11, 2012


Good decision-
Harry and I have been looking everywhere to find a sweet old (about 1978) land cruiser to buy for Harry to drive around town and go do all the awesome things we love to do (or think that we do).

This is what we bought.

... to say the least it doesn't really have that 'wow' factor that the land cruiser would have had, but my wallet is already thankful for being able to go twice as far per dollar as my truck does.  At least we still have one awesome truck.   Actually, we already love this little guy, it 'runs like a champion' as Harry would say and it nice to get around town in.  And honestly I feel really blessed that we will be able to have two cars when we first get married and no car payments to make!

Now just to actually learn how to drive a manual....yikes.  School buses with trailer I can do... little manual car, not so much.

Poor decision-
on Thursday I brought a workout video to work so my co-workers and I could do it during our lunch break.  It is a 20 minute, pretty intense work out and it is really nice to take a break from sitting in a chair all day at my desk.
I had never done this one level on the video and it required a lot of jumping actions.

That night I had promised my friend Arielle that I would go running with her.  We both want to do the Lazyman Ironman that BYU is doing and then a little triathlon in April (so I can actually do my first one).  So we had a nice little run.

Immediately after that, we had our first intramural soccer game.  It was 11 on 11 and we only had 9 players show up.  Full field of running which I am pretty sure I have not done since high school.

Result.  My calves have never hurt this bad in my entire life.  In fact, I  don't know that I have ever been able to make them sore even when I have tried to.  I have not been able to walk like a normal person for three days.

Embarrassing story to go along with this- Harry and I did our Target registry, and I had to waddle around the entire store as we tried to find what we wanted.  I also was wearing not the greatest shoes that are somewhat slick if I hit my heel just right on a slick hard surface.  Right as we were walking/waddling past the registers where everyone is my heel did just that and had I not been holding on to Harry's arm I would have gone all the way down.  I screamed extremely loud as this happened and I fell so fast and hard that I slammed my head into Harry's arm and made my neck hurt.  Geez, what a mess! I then started laughing, drawing even more attention to us and pretty sure I thoroughly embarrassed Harry.  oops.

Good decision-

I have made some recent goals to get into better shape as well as others to write in my journal more often and  also attend the temple more.   I had a real test of my strength when I saw these at the store both at steal-of-a-deal prices.  I am a sucker for chocolate covered pretzels and redvines.  Delicious.  But I didn't buy them I will not be gaining the two lbs of licorice that would undoubtedly be gone in a matter of days.

Good decision-

Sunday morning was beautiful and Harry came over to make breakfast before church.  We had breakfast out in the back yard and it felt so nice to have the sun beating down on us a little.  We stayed out there all morning until we absolutely had to go in to get ready for church.

It made for a lovely day.

I love Sundays.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are the cutest- I love it! GOod job on your good decisions. And your bad decision will lead to some majorly impressive calves, so good job on that too :)
