it looks awesome and runs... almost all of the time! Still can't believe how much Harry has done to build this monster. He drove it to work a lot this summer and I attempted to drive it every once and a while. I was almost getting to the point where I wouldn't be screaming the entire time out of fright.
Chris Cagle came out for an awesome concert.
Grateful for friends and family coming out for the events!
The pick up men are pretty much my favorite
aaaaaannnnnndddd I ended my time with Eagle Mountain....
Somethings I will really miss.... and some I will be happy to never see again.
RACE FOR THE CURE, one of my favorite family holidays.
Team Titter Tots made it on to the News Website.
I took it upon my self to give us a team name and costumes this year
I can't think of many more things I like to do better than spend some time with the Womackaroni women
I MADE MY FIRST QUILT! for little Jack Henry Douglass
It definitely wasn't perfect, but I had a lot of fun making it, with a lot of help from our last ward in Provo.
Harry surprised me with a trip to Bear Lake for our one year anniversary. It was such a nice and relaxing trip after another busy year of school and work! We rode our bike partway around the lake, went for little hikes and had some of the famous Rasberry Shakes
I graduated from BYU! And last minute decided to walk and go to commencement. It still was very boring, but I am glad I got to have that final experience
It just so happened to be that a lot of my friends from High School were graduating and we were able to sit with each other for commencement. Eagle Mustangs bestiezz fur lyfe
I am so grateful for this guy who always is so supportive and encouraging of me!
I need to get my the other pictures from graduation. I was so surprised when I walked the next day to have My mom, Brooke, Sadie, Jason, Gma Pat, Arny, and Cindy all make the drive down here to watch me graduate. Once again, I feel so lucky for the wonderful family I have. They are always there for me!
Father's Day
The crew and the pit! But don't go near those sidewalls or you really will get your butt kicked. :) The layers in this pit were very distinct and it was neat to see the stratification as we dug deeper. This spot is one that Brooke started with his students last year.
And I got to play with my favorite dogs. It's kinda sad how excited I get to see my Gunner and Chopper.
We got to spend quite a bit of time up on the Payette this summer. Not as much as Emma of course who pretty much lived there. I was glad to benefit from a few free raft trips though since I don't like to hardshell like Harry. He is kinda awesome like that.
And I finally got to meet Mr. Jack Henry Douglass. What a STUD.
Always a good time at the Mansor Family reunion. We had a talent show and the Womack girls had put together a skit. At least we tried. We also celebrated Bev and Devere's 60th anniversary and sung them "You are my Sunshine"
Bev and Jerry were crowned King and Queen of the Mardi Gras themed reunion.
Finally a picture with all of us in it!
Brooke took a daring move and wanted to take us on a family vacation! Unfortunately, Harry could not come because he couldn't take any days off from his awesome internship at Idaho Power (which he did awesome at!) I was very excited for this trip and we all had a great time. Brooke grew up in San Fransisco and he was our Tour Guide for the week and we were able to see many places and people that were a part of his childhood.
Brooke's Childhood home right near Glen Canyon Park
Tour Guide Brooke!
Armstrong Rewoods in Sonoma County
\Duncan's Landing... we later found out this is considered an extremely dangerous beach, where people have been swept away from the parking lot area (where I took this picture). And we were wondering why we had the whole thing to ourselves.
A prehistoric cave-dwelling site near Duncan's Landing
We also learned a little about my Mom's childhood while there... like this song she made up when she was younger.
We ate at this cute place in Windsor. And I tried frog legs for the first time, still not quite sure how I feel about that.
Americas Cup Sailing was going to hold a tournament in San Fransisco and we got to see them loading one of the boats back up onto the pier. Which just may have been the one that my Mom got to be a crew member on when she picked me up in New Zealand.
Some lady...." This isn't the BART, its the metro
Sadie to the lady: we are from Idaho, we don't get to do this kinda stuff a lot
And then all the sudden every one on the Metro was really nice and helpful to the poor country girls from Idaho
We went to a Giants Game! and they actually won, and it was sunny, and we made some new best friends.
We even got a family picture with them. And it all started when Zack (the white shirt) knocked my mom over to catch a ball.
View point of the Golden Gate Bridge
Blue Steel
There is those poor Idaho girls again
Brooke was frolicking in the Wind at Twin Peaks and it got the best of him
Twin peaks is where Brooke proposed to my Mom
We spent quite a few days up in Sonoma County where Brooke's sister and family lives. They have an amazing house up in the beautiful wine country. We went to lake Sonoma, the redwoods, and Duncan's Landing the days we were up there.
The twins.... IZZY
I call this one "The old man in the tunnel, except it is not an old man, it is my brother, and he had a broken foot"
AND THEN the Morning after I got back from San Francisco, Harry, Emma, and I participated in Emmett's Most Excellent Triathlon!
Harry did an Olympic Distance and Emma and I did the SprintTriathlon twinerrzzzzzz . We both got 2nd place in our age group. And we kinda look the same
And last (for this post) we went to the Caldwell Night Rodeo and had a great time sitting with the Rowdies. It was also great getting in for free since the stock contractors and production crew are the same ones that run our rodeo in Eagle Mountain.
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